nice game
I don't normaly go for the creepy submisions, but this one wasn't so much creepy as it was suspensfull. morso than most flash movies submited here.
to maori-rap:
My grandfather who is now 82 fought in world war II for the US. (he is german-american so those of you who say german=Nazi just shove it)he was captured twice during the war, walked in two death marches , but thanks to the US forces he only stayed in one consentrasion camp. he has told me many stories about the war, leaving out the worst parts, he just dosn't talk about those to me because im not yet 18 but he might never and I won't pry. this is where I come to my point, they were scared of the U.S. troops they kept so they left them mostly to there own divices but my grandfather saw what they did there and it could not be called good or even bad... evil is the only word we have that is strong enough to clasify it. and in the end the Nazis of that camp surendered to the U.S. prisoners because the Rusians were coming and they were scared nearly to death.
in the end when Hitler killed himself in his hole in the ground and most of the Nazi officials were dead or captured, the Nazis turned into nothing more terifying than pond skum.
Racism is wrong
murder is very bad
what the Nazis did ... that was evil.